How to import Archicad Material/Surface libraries

How to import Archicad Material/Surface libraries



Loading Archicad Surfaces

Archicad surfaces libraries can be saved as either .aat or .xml file formats. If the library contains surface images or textures these should be added to your project library.

Loading an Archicad .aat or .xml surfaces library

Step 1. Go to Options > Element Attributes > Attribute Manager

Step 2. On the Surface tab, use the import button in the top right and browse to the .xml or .aat file, Click Open

Step 3. Select the required surfaces in the right hand Temporary box, then click append

Step 4. Click Ok, then Apply & Close

Loading Material Textures into Archicad

If the library contains Material Images / Textures you will need to add that folder to your library.

If you are working in a team this can be a shared network location to ensure all users have access to the images.

Step 1. Go to File > Libraries and Objects > Library Manager

Step 2. Click Add, browse to and select the folder (not a single image), then click Choose

Step 3. Click Ok

Access High quality Archicad Surfaces libraries is a free resource for downloading high quality BIM assets including Archicad objects and surfaces libraries.

View the range of Surfaces here:

About BIM content library hosting and BIM model creators, and IGS Group and their BIM content creation services, allows building designers and building product manufacturers to collaborate through the sharing of digital product data in the form of quality-controlled Revit and Archicad libraries. Developed by industry-leading BIM family creation specialists IGS Group, optimises the process of designers accessing free, quality-assured BIM content for their projects, and provides a range of sales and BIM content marketing opportunities for manufacturers seeking to grow both their brand and specification-driven sales.
To learn more about the BIM library hosting, BIM content platform or to start downloading, visit
For BIM content creation services, BIM content marketing solutions and BIM content strategy, reach out to IGS Group.